Spring/spring-boot: Release v2.1.6.RELEASE
Name: spring-boot
Owner: Spring
Release: v2.1.6.RELEASE
Released: 2019-06-18
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
⭐ New Features
- Exclude groovy.lang.MetaClass type from configuration annotation processor #16981
🪲 Bug Fixes
- PropertyMapper does not chain when and whenNot calls #17225
- Fat jar launcher mishandles root jar files with + characters in their path, making nested entries unloadable #17208
- JarFile leaks a file handle if central directory parsing fails #17123
- JarResourceManager leaks an InputStream when asked for a Resource for the root of a jar #17121
- Embedded Undertow containers may lose access log entries when shut down #17119
- Repackaging with Maven may not close a library's input stream when adding it to the jar #17115
- DevTools uses the wrong command to shut down an in-memory Derby database #17099
- DevTools' ChangeableUrls creates JarFiles that are not closed when looking for Class-Path manifest entries #17095
- Add missing '@AutoConfigureCache' for a slice '@JooqTest' annotation. #17066
- Dependency management for JavaBeans Activation Framework is incomplete #17062
- SpringIterableConfigurationPropertySource cache is not thread safe #17017
- Handle all getters first in JavaBeanBinder.addProperties() #17005
- Wrong reference to org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext in ServletWebServerFactory #16978
- Pass resolvedType into isOfDifferentType() in JavaBeanBinder.Bean.get() #16974
- Spring Data Cassandra auto-configuration should be conditional on Cluster bean #16971
- ReactiveSecurityAutoConfiguration can cause TypeNotPresentExceptionProxy #16934
- JVM can't exit due to threads left if Tomcat throws exceptions during shutdown #16892
- Fix NoClassDefFoundError when Spring Session is used without Spring Security #16889
- Logback debugging property is ignored unless a logback file is present #16876
- WebSphere Liberty's WSJdbcDataSource logs an exception during startup when using a JNDI DataSource with Hikari still on the classpath #16863
- Flyway and Liquibase auto-configuration does not consider DataSource properties configured via @AutoConfigureTestDatabase #16814
- spring-boot:run uses the wrong default working directory for a forked JVM #16811
- Gradle plugin creates fat jars that do not align with unspecified assumption that META-INF/MANIFEST.MF should be the first or second entry #16698
- Netty connection timeouts of 0 or -1 are not applied correctly #16535
- @WebMvcTest ignores base path configured via @WebAppConfiguration #16485
📔 Documentation
- Correct expansion of jOOQ in the reference docs #17195
- Fix regular expression used in devools documentation #16946
- Add Nexmo Starter to the list of Spring Boot Starters #16944
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade to Infinispan 9.4.15.Final #17235
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.1.5 #17222
- Upgrade to Spring Session Bom Bean-SR6 #17209
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.2.7.RELEASE #17206
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 5.1.6.RELEASE #17205
- Upgrade to Spring Amqp 2.1.7.RELEASE #17204
- Upgrade to Spring Data Lovelace-SR9 #17193
- Upgrade to Maven War Plugin 3.2.3 #17168
- Upgrade to Neo4j Ogm 3.1.11 #17167
- Upgrade to Infinispan 9.4.14.Final #17166
- Upgrade to Hibernate Validator 6.0.17.Final #17165
- Upgrade to Jaybird 3.0.6 #17164
- Upgrade to Jetty 9.4.19.v20190610 #17163
- Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.21 #17162
- Upgrade to Solr 7.7.2 #17161
- Upgrade to Johnzon Jsonb 1.1.12 #17160
- Upgrade to Httpclient 4.5.9 #17159
- Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.9.13 #17158
- Upgrade to Undertow 2.0.21.Final #17157
- Upgrade to Rxjava2 2.2.9 #17156
- Upgrade to Lettuce 5.1.7.RELEASE #17155
- Upgrade to Unboundid Ldapsdk 4.0.11 #17154
- Upgrade to Appengine Sdk 1.9.75 #17153
- Upgrade to Couchbase Client 2.7.7 #17152
- Upgrade to Dependency Management Plugin 1.0.8.RELEASE #17150
- Upgrade to Reactor Californium-SR9 #16962
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.1.8.RELEASE #16961
- Upgrade to Pooled Jms 1.0.5 #16913
- Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.20 #16912
- Upgrade to Javax Cache 1.1.1 #16911
- Upgrade to Jackson 2.9.9 #16910
- Upgrade to Couchbase Client 2.7.6 #16909
:heart: Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!