Spring/spring-boot: Release v2.2.0.M1
Name: spring-boot
Owner: Spring
Release: v2.2.0.M1
Released: 2019-03-08
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
⭐ New Features
- Switch from com.sun.mail:javax.mail to com.sun.mail:jakarta.mail #16113
- Switch from org.glassfish:javax.el to org.glassfish:jakarta.el #16112
- Switch to Jakarta EE API dependencies where possible #16111
- Introduce @ConditonalOnExposedEndpoint to avoid auto-configuring endpoints that cannot be accessed #16093
- Disable JMX by default #16090
- Add loadOnStartup attribute to
#16053 - Add failure analyzer for Flyway's bootstrap failure #16015
- Expose Tomcat AccessLog Max days property #15954
- Add support for setting the awaitTeminationSeconds and waitForTasksToCompleteOnShutdown #15951
- Handle BatchMessagingMessageConverter with Kafka batch listeners #15942
- Switch from FileSize to DataSize for Logback size-based properties #15930
- Provide a configuration option to enable lazy initialisation #15870
- Remove redundant dependency management for xml-apis:xml-apis #15854
- Make RestTemplateMetricsConfiguration conditional on a RestTemplateBuilder bean #15842
- Add support for jdbc:firebird: url prefix #15841
- Optimize ConfigurationPropertyName #15782
- Optimize BeanPropertyName.toDashedForm() #15779
- Speed up binding of @ConfigurationProperties with a large object graph #15760
- Disable background preinitializer when only one processor is available #15722
- RestTemplateAutoConfiguration should be conditional on not being a reactive web application #15718
- HttpMessageConvertersAutoConfiguration should be conditional on not being a reactive web application #15712
- Add opt-in support for Neo4j-OGM native types #15637
- Add an outcome tag for web client metrics similar to MVC and WebFlux server metrics #15594
- Use assertJ to generate AssertionError and filter its stacktrace #15569
- Disable Hibernate entity scanning for default JPA setup #15565
- Add support to detect Kubernetes platform in CloudPlatform #15537
- Allow easy customization of EmbeddedMongo DownloadConfig #15496
- Apply TomcatConnectorCustomizer and TomcatContextCustomizer beans automatically #15492
- Spring Boot Maven Plugin 'agent' parameter does not explain how to use multiple agents #15455
- Allow spring.profiles.active in a config file to take effect when spring.profiles.include is configured via a higher-precedence property source #15344
- Add support for capping archived log files with Logback #15325
- Configure MessageSource if no "messageSource" bean defined #15212
- Remove redundant dependency management for dom4j:dom4j #15199
- Add configurable property for JWK encryption algorithm #15145
- Use varargs for DefaultApplicationArguments #15142
- Change DataSourceHealthIndicator details from "hello" to "result" #15136
- Rename logging.file to logging.file.name #15089
- Fail fast if nested condition uses a phase inappropriate for its members #15086
- Add validation query to DataSourceHealthIndicator details #15055
- Provide a configuration property for configuring Tomcat's processor cache #15054
- Support expressing application
#14823 - Add TestNG support in TestTypeExcludeFilter #7630
🪲 Bug Fixes
- @AutoConfigureMockMvc imports auto-configurations manually #13822
📔 Documentation
- Fix broken Appendix links due to section overhaul #15933
- Update 'HTTP Client Metrics' section of docs to include "outcome" tag description #15725
- Add setup instructions for in IntelliJ IDEA #15634
- Add starter entry for Azure Application Insights #15628
- Auto-generate the "Common application properties" appendix #8237
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade to Cassandra Driver 3.7.1 #16163
- Upgrade to Mongo Driver Reactivestreams 1.11.0 #16159
- Upgrade to Maven Javadoc Plugin 3.1.0 #16157
- Upgrade to Maven Invoker Plugin 3.2.0 #16156
- Upgrade to Snakeyaml 1.24 #16155
- Upgrade to Webjars Locator Core 0.37 #16154
- Upgrade to Selenium Htmlunit 2.34.0 #16153
- Upgrade to Mongodb 3.10.1 #16152
- Upgrade to Mockito 2.25.0 #16151
- Upgrade to Mariadb 2.4.0 #16150
- Upgrade to Junit Jupiter 5.4.0 #16149
- Upgrade to Influxdb Java 2.15 #16148
- Upgrade to Elasticsearch 6.6.1 #16147
- Upgrade to Ehcache3 3.7.0 #16146
- Upgrade to Assertj 3.12.1 #16145
- Upgrade to Kafka 2.1.1 #16144
- Upgrade to Commons Dbcp2 2.6.0 #16143
- Upgrade to Htmlunit 2.34.1 #16142
- Upgrade to Rest Assured 3.3.0 #16141
- Upgrade to Rxjava2 2.2.7 #16140
- Upgrade to Commons Codec 1.12 #16139
- Upgrade to Hikaricp 3.3.1 #16138
- Upgrade to Rabbit Amqp Client 5.6.0 #16137
- Upgrade to Hazelcast Hibernate5 1.3.2 #16136
- Upgrade to Caffeine 2.7.0 #16135
- Upgrade to Jersey 2.28 #16114
- Upgrade to Jedis 3.0.1 #15941
- Upgrade to Spring Plugin 2.0.0.M1 #15940
- Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 1.0.0.M1 #15939
- Upgrade to Elasticsearch 6.5.4 #15938
- Upgrade Neo4j-OGM to 3.2.0-alpha04 #15937
- Upgrade to Saaj Impl 1.5.1 and deal with the move to Jakarta API dependencies #15915
- Upgrade to Glassfish Jaxb 2.3.2 and deal with move to Jakarta API dependencies #15689
- Upgrade to Flatten Maven Plugin 1.1.0 #15622
- Upgrade to Hibernate 5.4.0.Final #15621
- Upgrade to Hikaricp 3.3.0 #15620
- Upgrade to Rabbit Amqp Client 5.5.2 #15619
- Upgrade to Hazelcast Hibernate5 1.3.1 #15618
- Upgrade to Webjars Locator Core 0.36 #15527
- Upgrade to Selenium 3.141.59 #15526
- Upgrade to Selenium Htmlunit 2.33.3 #15525
- Upgrade to Kafka 2.1.0 #15524
- Upgrade to Rest Assured 3.2.0 #15523
- Upgrade to Prometheus Pushgateway 0.6.0 #15522
- Upgrade to Embedded Mongo 2.2.0 #15521
- Upgrade to Rabbit Amqp Client 5.5.1 #15520
- Upgrade to Hazelcast Hibernate5 1.3.0 #15519
- Upgrade to Spring Data Moore M2 #15197
:heart: Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
- @tim-toady
- @michaelmcfadyen
- @holy12345
- @igor-suhorukov
- @Raheela1024
- @nosan
- @izeye
- @cac03
- @Buzzardo
- @cpandya231
- @thorntonrp
- @TwinProduction
- @Aerlant
- @ayudovin
- @restolho
- @govi20
- @dreis2211
- @filiphr
- @sdeleuze
- @Gigaxel
- @mrotteveel
- @cvienot
- @michael-simons
- @juliojgd
- @jgriff
- @nishantraut
- @mgmeiner
- @eddumelendez
- @onraz
- @kedar-joshi
- @anandshastri1990