Spring/spring-boot: Release v2.2.0.RC1
Name: spring-boot
Owner: Spring
Release: v2.2.0.RC1
Released: 2019-10-03
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
⭐ New Features
- Support new Micrometer NewRelicConfig eventType properties #18472
- Add annotation required to switch on constructor binding #18469
- Configure oauth2client in Reactive OAuth2 client auto-configuration #18385
- Add Auto-configuration for RSocket Security #18356
- Remove dependency management for Spring Plugin #18318
- Support block based image banner pixels #18301
- Add support @LocalRSocketServerPort for RSocket Port #18287
- Use Reactor's new Schedulers.boundedElastic() #18269
- Improve handling of non-standard status codes in WebFluxTags #18267
- Add auto-configuration support for TransactionalOperator #18265
- Add Ansi 256 Colors support for ResourceBanner #18264
- Improve embedded Tomcat's Graal compatibility #18262
- Add AutoConfiguration support for spring-security-saml2-service-provider #18260
- Add dependency management for Oracle JDBC driver #18242
- Add support for X-Forwarded-Host using Tomcat's new RemoteIpValve hostHeader attribute #18233
- Apply ServerRSocketFactoryCustomizer to reactor netty web server #18208
- Use Duration for ServerProperties.Jetty.idleTimeout #18206
- Provide dependency management for Awaitility #18205
- Tolerate Flyway 5.x while retaining support for Flyway 6 #18193
- Add property ROLLING_FILE_LOG_PATTERN for File Appender #18151
- Add property to transparently migrate deprecated endoint IDs #18148
- Drop . prefix from config files in new .config directory #18006
- Rename 'details' to 'components' in health actuator JSON #17929
- Deprecate spring-boot-starter-cloud-connectors in favour of Java CFEnv #17877
- Disable H2C by default when using Reactor Netty, aligning it with Jetty, Tomcat, and Undertow #17867
- Configure PathPatternRouteMatcher at the RSocketStrategies level #17571
- Support # in addition to -- as a default comment prefix for Quartz DataSource initialization #17435
- Don't apply -Xverify:none on Java 13 as it has been deprecated #17008
- Provide an env var that controls the user with which the launch script runs the app #16973
- Support programmatic lazy-int exclusion #16615
- Support zip64 jars #16091
- Streamline WebTestClient creation and customization in integration tests #15132
- Provide an option for showing individual health indicators' status but not their details #15076
🪲 Bug Fixes
- Bean binding might not be used when more than one constructor exists #18485
- Main server ResourceConfigCustomizers should not apply to management context #18468
- Actuator endpoint time-to-live caching is not respected on WebFlux #18411
- Enforce ordering when ObjectProvider is used #18409
- Typo in assertion error message produced by ApplicationContextAssert doesNotHaveBean #18379
- DataSourceInitializedEvent picks wrong datasource #18369
- Micrometer dependency management does not include its micrometer-registry-cloudwatch2 module #18367
- Legacy HealthAggregator and HealthStatusHttpMapper are incorrectly reset #18354
- ReactiveManagementWebSecurityAutoConfiguration does not back off when oauth2 client configuration present #18345
- BasicErrorController returns body even if NO_CONTENT status causing 406 later #18343
- Dependency management for REST Assured is missing the spring-web-test-client module #18330
- Concurrent EndpointRequest calls can cause NPE #18299
- Logged application startup time has become overly precise #18278
- Custom protocols are not honoured when Devtools is active #18239
- TestTypeExcludeFilter does not detect JUnit 5's @Testable annotation #18234
- Dependency management for Janino is incomplete #18226
- Bindable.withExistingValue drops annotations #18219
- Use custom port for RSocket server over websocket #18200
- HealthIndicatorRegistry bean is no longer available #18194
- RestTemplateBuilder headers no longer get applied when using MockRestServiceServer #17885
- Wrong semantic for immutable @ConfigurationProperties contributed via @Import #17831
- Configuration Processor should use the constructor as a source only with @ConstructorBinding #17035
- FileEditor not applied for String to File property conversion #16931
📔 Documentation
- Add Mustache to 'Customize ViewResolvers' docs section #18437
- Fix default values in metadata for HiddenHttpMethodFilter #18435
- Polish some external documentation links #18384
- Mention Java 13 in system requirements docs #18383
- Add missing appendices to PDF reference documentation #18371
- Invalid property name in "Task Execution and Scheduling" example #18336
- Broken links in documentation #18332
- Reference Spring Framework RSocket section + polish #18321
- Fix small typo in configuration metadata documentation #18297
- fix logback example typo #18296
- Fix pre-defined logging group documentation #18283
- Fix typo in HealthContributors definition #18249
- Remove duplicated row from HealthIndicators table #18248
- Fix minor typo in documentation #18222
- Revisit test slices Javadoc with JUnit Jupiter upgrade #18178
- Correct capitalization of GemFire in the reference documentation #18001
- Remove reference to Spring IO Platform from documentation #17986
- It is unclear that the RSocket websocket transport requires Reactor Netty and is not supported with other web servers #17494
- Split the appendices into multiple pages and include a table of contents in each #16289
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade to Webjars Locator Core 0.41 #18497
- Upgrade to Mockito 3.1.0 #18496
- Upgrade to Hibernate 5.4.6.Final #18495
- Upgrade to Johnzon Jsonb 1.2.0 #18493
- Upgrade to Okhttp3 3.14.4 #18492
- Upgrade to gmavenplus-plugin 1.8.0 #18462
- Upgrade to Cargo Maven Plugin 1.7.7 #18461
- Upgrade to Maven Maven Plugin 3.6.0 #18460
- Upgrade to Download Maven Plugin 1.4.2 #18459
- Upgrade to Spock 1.3-groovy-2.5 #18458
- Upgrade to plexus-archiver to 3.7.0 #18457
- Upgrade to maven-plugin-annotations 3.6.0 #18456
- Upgrade to maven-common-artifact-filters 3.1.0 #18455
- Upgrade to maven-archiver 3.4.0 #18453
- Upgrade to MockK 1.9.3 #18452
- Upgrade to Commons FileUpload 1.4 #18450
- Upgrade to Testcontainers 1.12.2 #18446
- Remove prohibited version of Maven Invoker Plugin #18442
- Upgrade to Spring REST Docs 2.0.4.RELEASE #18439
- Upgrade to Netty Tcnative 2.0.26.Final #18433
- Upgrade to Joda Time 2.10.4 #18432
- Upgrade to Httpclient 4.5.10 #18431
- Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.26 #18430
- Upgrade to Maven Invoker Plugin 3.2.1 #18429
- Upgrade to Lombok 1.18.10 #18428
- Upgrade to Postgresql 42.2.8 #18427
- Upgrade to Neo4j Ogm 3.2.1 #18426
- Upgrade to Mariadb 2.4.4 #18425
- Upgrade to Kotlin Coroutines 1.3.2 #18424
- Upgrade to Hibernate 5.4.5.Final #18423
- Upgrade to Flyway 6.0.4 #18422
- Upgrade to Artemis 2.10.1 #18421
- Upgrade to Jakarta Jms 2.0.3 #18420
- Upgrade to Prometheus Pushgateway 0.7.0 #18419
- Upgrade to Lettuce 5.2.0.RELEASE #18418
- Upgrade to Hikaricp 3.4.1 #18417
- Upgrade to Okhttp3 3.14.3 #18416
- Upgrade deployment test to TomEE 8.0.0 #18395
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.3.0 #18389
- Upgrade to RSocket 1.0.0-RC5 #18364
- Upgrade to Commons Compress 1.19 #18311
- Upgrade to Spring Doc Resources 0.1.3.RELEASE #18293
- Upgrade to Reactor Dysprosium-RELEASE #18276
- Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 1.0.0.RELEASE #18258
- Upgrade to Spring Session Corn-RC1 #18257
- Upgrade to Spring Security 5.2.0.RELEASE #18256
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.3.0.RELEASE #18255
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 5.2.0.RELEASE #18254
- Update to Spring Data Moore-RELEASE #18253
- Upgrade to Spring Batch 4.2.0.RELEASE #18252
- Upgrade to Spring AMQP 2.2.0.RELEASE #18251
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.2.0.RELEASE #18232
- Upgrade to Jackson 2.10.0 #17999
- Upgrade to Jersey 2.29.1 #17430
:heart: Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!