Spring/spring-boot: Release v2.2.6.RELEASE
Name: spring-boot
Owner: Spring
Release: v2.2.6.RELEASE
Released: 2020-03-26
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
⭐ New Features
- Provide dependency management for Jakarta Xml Soap #20659
- Add support for Java 14 #20576
- Deprecate spring.mvc.pathmatch.use-suffix-pattern, spring.mvc.pathmatch.use-registered-suffix-pattern, and spring.mvc.contentnegotiation.favor-path-extension #20528
🪲 Bug Fixes
- Unresolvable placeholder in the value of
causes a startup failure even when there is a user-provided DataSource bean #20670 - @FlywayDataSource does not work in an application that has multiple datasources #20617
- KafkaAutoConfiguration should back off when a bean of type ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory is found #20615
- ApplicationHome does not work correctly with paths that contain spaces #20543
- Ignore trailing slash should not apply to single character URIs #20536
- Jwt Decoder signature algorithm configuration is not used in combination with public-key-file #20523
- DependencyCustomizer ifAllResourcesPresent adds modules if any resources are present #20501
- TomcatReactiveWebServerFactory does not call getTomcatWebServer to create the TomcatWebServer #20499
- Credentials of cloudfoundry service cannot be resolved after upgrading to 2.2.5 #20432
- DevTools triggers eager initialization of jaxws-client defined in XML config #20430
📔 Documentation
- Document that actuator over HTTP requires Jackson #20618
- Link to correct factory in TomcatReactiveWebServerFactory's javadoc #20589
- Update version of com.gorylenko.gradle-git-properties in documentation example #20436
- Externalized Configuration Constructor Binding Incorrect Code Example #20378
- Recommend configuring compileJava's inputs to include processResources' output when generating configuration metadata #20323
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade to Mimepull 1.9.13 #20675
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 5.2.5 #20672
- Upgrade to Maven Dependency Plugin 3.1.2 #20658
- Upgrade to Xmlunit2 2.6.4 #20657
- Upgrade to Spring Session Bom Corn-SR2 #20656
- Upgrade to Postgresql 42.2.11 #20655
- Upgrade to Neo4j Ogm 3.2.10 #20654
- Upgrade to Liquibase 3.8.8 #20653
- Upgrade to Kotlin Coroutines 1.3.5 #20652
- Upgrade to Kotlin 1.3.71 #20651
- Upgrade to Freemarker 2.3.30 #20650
- Upgrade to Elasticsearch 6.8.7 #20649
- Upgrade to Jetty 9.4.27.v20200227 #20648
- Upgrade to Janino 3.1.2 #20647
- Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.33 #20646
- Upgrade to Httpclient 4.5.12 #20645
- Upgrade to Activemq 5.15.12 #20644
- Upgrade to Jakarta Xml Ws 2.3.3 #20643
- Upgrade to Jakarta Xml Bind 2.3.3 #20642
- Upgrade to Undertow 2.0.30.Final #20641
- Upgrade to Rxjava2 2.2.19 #20640
- Upgrade to Netty Tcnative 2.0.30.Final #20639
- Upgrade to Netty 4.1.48.Final #20638
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.3.6 #20637
- Upgrade to Dropwizard Metrics 4.1.5 #20636
- Upgrade to Jakarta Mail 1.6.5 #20635
- Upgrade to Sendgrid 4.4.6 #20634
- Upgrade to Appengine Sdk 1.9.79 #20633
- Upgrade to Jackson 2.10.3 #20632
- Upgrade to Couchbase Client 2.7.13 #20631
- Upgrade to Groovy 2.5.10 #20575
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.3.7 #20574
- Upgrade to Spring Data Moore SR6 #20573
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.2.5 #20571
- Upgrade to Reactor Dysprosium-SR6 #20569
- Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 1.0.4.RELEASE #20232
:heart: Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!