Spring/spring-boot: Release v2.3.0.M4
Name: spring-boot
Owner: Spring
Release: v2.3.0.M4
Released: 2020-04-03
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
⭐ New Features
- Allow layertools to work without spring-boot jar #20815
- Support layering with the existing flat jar format #20813
- Support CNB builder platform API 0.3 #20757
- @DataR2dbcTest should trigger Flyway or Liquibase if necessary #20739
- Disable auto-configuration of Hazelcast IMDG when Hazelcast Jet is present #20729
- Deprecate spring.mvc.pathmatch.use-suffix-pattern, spring.mvc.pathmatch.use-registered-suffix-pattern, and spring.mvc.contentnegotiation.favor-path-extension #20687
- Provide dependency management for Jakarta Xml Soap #20661
- Saml2RelyingPartyAutoConfiguration should configure how AuthnRequests are sent #20584
- Remove requirement for the disk space health indicator's path to exist when the app starts #20580
- Update Gradle's layer configuration DSL to remove the double usage of layers #20563
- Combine default application and resources layers into a single layer named application #20562
- Add HealthEndpointGroupsRegistry and its Customizer #20554
- Override CloudPlatform auto-detection with configuration property #20553
- Rename "classes" concept to "application" in custom layer configuration #20539
- Use DOCKER_ env vars to locate the Docker daemon when building OCI images #20538
- Configure Couchbase ourselves rather than importing Spring Data's abstract config #20533
- Raise the minimum supported version of Gradle 6.x to 6.3 #20532
- Create a new layer for loader classes #20529
- Refine layer customization for Maven and Gradle #20526
- Add command line option for OCI image name #20520
- Add a property for MongoDB replica set name #20391
- Add security.protocol to KafkaProperties #20360
- Provide a way to customize layers with the Gradle plugin #20296
- Provide a configuration property for the maximum size of the in-memory buffer used by the reactive Elasticsearch REST client #20205
- Support Maven reproducible build feature for repackage #20176
- Allow tags to be added to those provided by default for WebMVC and WebFlux #20175
- Use platform API builder image tags for default builder #20171
- Upgrade to Couchbase Java SDK 3 #19893
- Add support for default Cassandra port #19672
- Support liveness and readiness state for Kubernetes #19593
- Support caching of endpoint responses when the request has a principal #19538
- Add 'threads' configuration group for embedded containers #19475
- Resource Server autoconfiguration to support both JWT and Opaque tokens #19426
- Use Gradle's configuration avoidance API #18881
- Improve handling of host, port, and addresses configuration in RabbitProperties #18830
- Add configuration to enable Redis Cluster topology refresh #15630
- Make base path configurable for WebFlux applications #10129
🪲 Bug Fixes
- Cassandra health indicator never reports version attribute #20726
- ReactiveCassandraHealthIndicator runs a query that fails on some Consistency Levels #20718
- Liquibase should be able to execute with only spring-jdbc on the classpath #20715
- CassandraHealthIndicator runs a query that fails on some Consistency Levels #20712
- spring.security.oauth2.resourceserver.jwt.jws-algorithm is ignored when auto-configuring ReactiveJwtDecoder #20694
- Unresolvable placeholder in the value of
causes a startup failure even when there is a user-provided DataSource bean #20671 - @FlywayDataSource does not work in an application that has multiple datasources #20621
- KafkaAutoConfiguration should back off when a bean of type ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory is found #20616
- Jwt Decoder signature algorithm configuration is not used in combination with public-key-file #20612
- Ignore trailing slash should not apply to single character URIs #20600
- ApplicationHome does not work correctly with paths that contain spaces #20544
- server.port should not be set to -1 if the test does not start an embedded web server #16998
📔 Documentation
- Clarify the type to which connection-pool-specific
properties are bound #20744 - Document how to initialize a database with R2DBC #20742
- Update system requirements to reflect support for Java 14 #20699
- Add extra detail for Kubernetes probes in reference documentation #20660
example in the reference documentation uses the wrong import for@DefaultValue
#20622- Document that actuator over HTTP requires Jackson #20619
- "Building Docker Images" is incorrectly nested beneath "Kotlin support" in the reference documentation #20608
- Link to correct factory in TomcatReactiveWebServerFactory's javadoc #20590
- Recommend configuring compileJava's inputs to include processResources' output when generating configuration metadata #20556
- Add package info to javadoc for new packages in spring-boot-loader(-tools) #20516
- Publish javadoc for the Maven Plugin #20127
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 5.3.0.M4 #20807
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.4.5.RELEASE #20797
- Upgrade to Spring Batch 4.2.2.RELEASE #20792
- Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.33 #20789
- Upgrade to Spring Security 5.3.1.RELEASE #20788
- Upgrade to SendGrid 4.4.6 #20787
- Upgrade to RxJava2 2.2.19 #20786
- Upgrade to QueryDSL 4.3.1 #20785
- Upgrade to Postgresql 42.2.12 #20784
- Upgrade to Netty tcNative 2.0.30.Final #20783
- Upgrade to Netty 4.1.48.Final #20782
- Upgrade to Neo4j OGM 3.2.10 #20781
- Upgrade to MongoDB 4.0.1 #20780
- Upgrade to Mockito 3.3.3 #20779
- Upgrade to MIMEPull 1.9.13 #20778
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.3.7 #20777
- Upgrade to Maven Javadoc Plugin 3.2.0 #20776
- Upgrade to MariaDB 2.6.0 #20775
- Upgrade to Liquibase 3.8.8 #20774
- Upgrade to Kotlin Coroutines 1.3.5 #20773
- Upgrade to JUnit Jupiter 5.6.1 #20772
- Upgrade to Johnzon 1.2.4 #20771
- Upgrade to Janino 3.1.2 #20770
- Upgrade to Infinispan 10.1.5.Final #20769
- Upgrade to Hibernate 5.4.13.Final #20768
- Upgrade to Flyway 6.3.2 #20767
- Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.6.2 #20766
- Upgrade to Commons Lang3 3.10 #20765
- Upgrade to Cassandra Driver 4.5.1 #20764
- Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.10.9 #20763
- Upgrade to AppEngine SDK 1.9.79 #20762
- Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.15.12 #20761
- Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 1.1.0.M3 #20751
- Upgrade to Spring Data Neumann-RC1 #20748
- Upgrade to Kotlin 1.3.71 #20700
- Upgrade to r2dbc Arabba-SR3 #20674
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.2.5 #20572
- Upgrade to Reactor Dysprosium-SR6 #20570
- Upgrade to Spring Session Dragonfruit-RC2 #20490
:heart: Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!