Spring/spring-boot: Release v2.3.0.RC1
Name: spring-boot
Owner: Spring
Release: v2.3.0.RC1
Released: 2020-05-01
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
⭐ New Features
- Add InputStreamSourceToByteArrayConverter #21285
- Restrict wildcard pattern support for configuration files #21217
- Provide a property to disable configuration of the default servlet #21214
- Allow project dependencies to be assigned to layers by their coordinates #21207
- Throw exception if spring.config.location uses classpath*: #21175
- Best effort support for Hazelcast 4 #21169
- Create ReactorNettyHttpClientMapper for configuring HttpClient #21135
- Avoid recompiling pattern in Handler#canonicalize #21103
- Provide an RSocketMessageHandlerCustomizer to allow customizing of the RSocketMessageHandler #21081
- Harmonize Service Level Agreement to Service Level Objectives #21076
- Fail operations when JarFile is closed #21072
- Improve property name in thrown Micrometer ValidationException #21069
- Improve compatibility of launch script by replacing use of seq with a bash native loop #21068
- Change default builder image from cloudfoundry/cnb to Paketo #21066
- Add dependency management for the Wavefront SDK #21065
- Support square bracket notation profiles properties #21006
- Improve Elasticsearch RestClient customization capabilities #20994
- Remove deprecated configuration properties #20991
- Default management endpoint error path should honor
properties #20989 - Add support for customizing Spring Session's cookie serializer #20961
- Add support for NewRelicClientProvider #20908
- Remove plugin management for exec-maven-plugin #20883
- Use YAML compatible classpath.idx format #20861
- Use a more compact layers.idx format #20860
- Ensure empty layers are written to the index file #20858
- Harmonize naming of Elasticsearch auto-configuration classes #20857
- Expose Prometheus#histogramFlavor property #20853
- Expose Elastic's pipeline and indexDateSeparator properties #20852
- Expose AppOptics#floorTime property #20850
- Deprecate PushRegistryConfig#numThreads #20845
- Migrate ServiceLevelAgreementBoundary from Long to Double #20837
- Expose Graphite's graphiteTagsEnabled property #20834
- Tolerate breaking change to IsolationLevel in kafka-clients 2.5 #20811
- Use WavefrontSender to export metrics to Wavefront #20810
- Allow easy activation of ISO-by-default date and time binding for Spring MVC #20579
- Disable error message on default error page unless explicitly enabled #20505
- Enable transaction auto-configuration when using @DataMongoTest and there is a MongoTransactionManager bean #20182
- Rework ErrorController now that getErrorPath() is unused and server.error.path must be used to configure the error path #19844
- Allow to configure Cassandra's request throttling #19674
- Provide a condition for detecting war deployments #19421
- Allow @AutoConfigurationPackage to specify the base packages that should be registered #19023
- Help users to register filters that require error or async dispatch with the correct dispatcher types #18953
- Enable users to provide custom time and datetime formats for MVC and WebFlux type conversion #18772
- Improve handling of cancelled requests when publishing WebClient metrics #18444
- Autoconfigure ReactiveGridFsTemplate with MongoProperties.getGridFsDatabase() #18284
- Automatically create a developmentOnly configuration for use with DevTools #16599
🪲 Bug Fixes
- Hitting Readiness and Liveness endpoints throws NPE #21211
- JarFiles are being left open #21127
- Building a layered jar results in deprecation warnings as some configurations will no longer be resolvable in Gradle 7 #21112
- PortInUseException can be thrown when server address is wrong #21105
- Test classes annotated with @SpringBootTest with different args attributes share a context when they should not #21102
- MockitoPostProcessor can trigger early initialization of factory beans #21090
- Fat jars cause classloading problems with JDK11 and Security Manager #21074
- WelcomePageHandlerMapping does not honor CORS #21071
- PortInUseException thrown when Netty does not have the right to use configured port #21053
- spring.config.additional-location is ignored when spring.config.location is configured #21050
- Nested object is not initialized if no matching property is defined with constructor binding #21049
- ConditionalOnAvailableEndpoint does not deal with dashed IDs #21047
- Homebrew and Scoop definitions for non-snapshot builds link to wrong repository on repo.spring.io #21034
- Endpoint exposure patterns do not work with dashed IDs #21023
- KafkaClientMetrics is applied to a newly created producer rather than an existing one #21008
- Embedded database initial failed for setting empty spring.database.url #21004
- UndertowCompressionConfigurer fails on invalid Media Types #20957
- Ensure consistent and correct attributes on files added to fat archives #20927
- Default for spring.kafka.listener.missing-topics-fatal is no longer aligned with Spring Kafka's default #20919
- Use of new DefaultResourceLoader() is dangerous as it captures the thread context classloader at the time of the call #20900
- Application fails to start due to missing WebFluxProperties bean when using @EnableWebFlux #20891
- Properties files in subdirectories are not loaded when one file is empty #20873
- Layer index file is malformed when file in jar contains a space #20827
- @SpringBootTest does not work when @ActiveProfiles contains a comma #19537
📔 Documentation
- Enhance Database initialization how to guide #21119
- Add "Health as Gauge" how-to documentation #21092
- Fix link to R2DBC Query in docs #21079
- Maven plugin examples for build-image command line properties are incorrect #21078
- Relocate section on configuring DevTools' file system watcher as it isn't specific to remote applications #21075
- Fix anchors in links to Maven and Gradle plugin docs #21033
- Links to CLI binaries are broken for non-snapshot builds #21030
- Document relaxed binding from environment variables #21028
- Document devtool property file profile restrictions #21026
- Documentation: Dockerfile example does not match documented default jar layers #21020
- Deprecate getters and setters for deprecated configuration properties consistently #21017
- Add reference to gRPC starter #20966
- Make it more obvious that Jolokia does not work with a WebFlux app #20964
- Add reference to Mule 4 starter #20915
- Added package-info to org.springframework.boot.buildpack.platform.docker.ssl #20913
- Fix typo in Adding Active Profiles #20909
- Update documentation about endpoint enablement to reflect behaviour of @ConditionalOnAvailableEndpoint #20897
- Don't use monospacing in documentation headings #20875
- Document fat-jar index files #20859
- Add reference to XChange starter #20830
- Name generated PDF documentation files after the subproject #20829
- Deprecate support for Bitronix #20823
- Add reference to quickfixj spring boot starter #20819
- Link to the Maven Plugin's documentation is broken #20818
- Add formatting instructions for the buildSrc module #20806
- Document how to initialize the database when using R2DBC #20524
- Document how to build images when behind an HTTP proxy #19984
- Move Maven-specific content in reference guide to dedicated documentation #19165
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade to Undertow 2.1.0.Final #21278
- Upgrade to SAAJ Impl 1.5.2 #21277
- Upgrade to Jetty EL 8.5.54 #21276
- Upgrade to Hazelcast 3.12.7 #21275
- Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.10.10 #21274
- Upgrade to Flyway 6.4.1 #21269
- Upgrade to WebJars Locator Core 0.45 #21255
- Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.34 #21254
- Upgrade to Spring WS 3.0.9.RELEASE #21253
- Upgrade to SendGrid 4.4.8 #21252
- Upgrade to Selenium HtmlUnit 2.39.0 #21251
- Upgrade to Rabbit AMQP Client 5.9.0 #21250
- Upgrade to OkHttp3 3.14.8 #21249
- Upgrade to Netty 4.1.49.Final #21248
- Upgrade to Neo4j OGM 3.2.11 #21247
- Upgrade to MySQL 8.0.20 #21246
- Upgrade to MongoDB 4.0.2 #21245
- Upgrade to Log4j2 2.13.2 #21244
- Upgrade to Liquibase 3.8.9 #21243
- Upgrade to Kotlin 1.3.72 #21242
- Upgrade to JUnit Jupiter 5.6.2 #21241
- Upgrade to Jetty 9.4.28.v20200408 #21240
- Upgrade to Jackson Bom 2.11.0 #21239
- Upgrade to InfluxDB Java 2.18 #21238
- Upgrade to Infinispan 10.1.6.Final #21237
- Upgrade to HtmlUnit 2.39.1 #21236
- Upgrade to HikariCP 3.4.3 #21235
- Upgrade to Hibernate Validator 6.1.4.Final #21234
- Upgrade to Hibernate 5.4.14.Final #21233
- Upgrade to Groovy 2.5.11 #21232
- Upgrade to Glassfish JAXB 2.3.3 #21231
- Upgrade to Flatten Maven Plugin 1.2.2 #21229
- Upgrade to Dropwizard Metrics 4.1.6 #21228
- Upgrade to Couchbase Client 3.0.3 #21227
- Upgrade to Cassandra Driver 4.6.0 #21226
- Upgrade to Caffeine 2.8.2 #21225
- Upgrade to Artemis 2.12.0 #21224
- Upgrade to AppEngine SDK 1.9.80 #21223
- Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 1.1.0.RC1 #21210
- Upgrade to RSocket 1.0.0-RC7 #21208
- Upgrade to Apache Solr 8.5.1 #21206
- Upgrade to Lettuce 5.3.0.RELEASE #21096
- Upgrade to Kafka 2.5.0 #21032
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.5.0.RC1 #20953
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 5.3.0.RC1 #20951
- Upgrade to Spring Data Neumann-RC2 #20949
- Upgrade to Spring AMQP 2.2.6 #20947
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.2.6 #20945
- Upgrade to Reactor Bom Dysprosium-SR7 #20943
- Upgrade to Testcontainers 1.14.0 #20936
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.5.0 #20833
:heart: Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!