Spring/spring-boot: Release v2.4.5
Name: spring-boot
Owner: Spring
Release: v2.4.5
Released: 2021-04-15
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
🪲 Bug Fixes
- CloudPlatform.isActive can return true when spring.main.cloud-platform is set to NONE #26124
- Elasticsearch auto-configuration does not configure default converters #26029
- Gradle bootBuildImage does not preserve file permissions for resources #25937
- Keystore.load calls do not close InputStream #25922
- Configuration of ciphers is ignored for TCP with Reactory Netty #25913
- java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException when shutting down Spring Boot app with Cassandra #25869
- When running with a context hierarchy, PrimaryDefaultValidatorPostProcessor causes a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException when a Validator is in an ancestor context #25863
- Unlike Micrometer's PushMeterRegistry, PrometheusPushGatewayManager stops publishing when an UnknownHostException is caught #25844
should not be considered when scanning for MongoDB entities #25797- spring-boot:build-image hangs when classifier is specified in configuration #25789
- DefaultErrorWebExceptionHandler does not remove MetaType.ALL when a quality values is present #25786
- AbstractWebMvcEndpointHandlerMapping does not chain InvalidEndpointRequestExceptions #25784
- Unpacked jars are not deleted when the JVM exits #25774
- TldPatterns are not aligned with Tomcat #25770
- Actuator's rest template metrics customization prevents RootUriRequestExpectationManager.forRestTemplate from identifying that the template has had a root URI configured #25768
- ConfigData imports cannot override profile specific imports #25766
- URI tag of http.client.requests metric ignores REST template's root URI #25765
- Checks 'javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action' when determining DDL auto default #25754
- Bootstrapper interface provides no clean upgrade path due to deprecated method #25735
- spring-boot:build-image hangs if finalName is specified in Spring Boot plugin configuration #25700
- During incremental compilation, configuration property metadata isn't generated for classes annotated with
, or@WebEndpoint
📔 Documentation
- Document limitations of using deferred JPA bootstrap and early access to JPA #26110
- Mention special behavior of spring.config.additional-location in docs #26085
- Provide package info for org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.data.cassandra #26081
- Document more prominently that DataJpaTest sets spring.jpa.show-sql=true by default #26024
- Document how to provide runtime JVM arguments when building an image #25992
- Javadoc link for non-public autoconfiguration classes does not exist #25987
- Fix typos in docs #25947
- Use main as the branch name in info endpoint example #25866
- Document how to configure Maven's Failsafe plugin when not using spring-boot-starter-parent #25832
- Update deprecation warnings with for removal targets #25825
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade to AppEngine SDK 1.9.88 #26006
- Upgrade to Dropwizard Metrics 4.1.19 #26007
- Upgrade to Glassfish JAXB 2.3.4 #26100
- Upgrade to Hibernate 5.4.30.Final #26008
- Upgrade to HSQLDB 2.5.2 #26101
- Upgrade to Jakarta Mail 1.6.7 #26009
- Upgrade to Jaybird 3.0.11 #26010
- Upgrade to Jetty 9.4.39.v20210325 #26012
- Upgrade to Jetty Reactive HTTPClient 1.1.7 #26011
- Upgrade to Kotlin 1.4.32 #26013
- Upgrade to Lettuce 6.0.4.RELEASE #26102
- Upgrade to Lombok 1.18.20 #26014
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.6.6 #26103
- Upgrade to MIMEPull 1.9.14 #26015
- Upgrade to Netty 4.1.63.Final #26016
- Upgrade to Netty tcNative 2.0.38.Final #26017
- Upgrade to Reactor 2020.0.6 #25908
- Upgrade to SAAJ Impl 1.5.3 #26104
- Upgrade to Spring Data 2020.0.8 #25910
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.3.6 #25909
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 5.4.6 #26113
- Upgrade to Spring Security 5.4.6 #25911
- Upgrade to Spring Session 2020.0.4 #25912
- Upgrade to Sun Mail 1.6.7 #26018
- Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.45 #26019
- Upgrade to Undertow 2.2.7.Final #26020
:heart: Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!