Spring/spring-boot: Release v2.5.0-M2
Name: spring-boot
Owner: Spring
Release: v2.5.0-M2
Released: 2021-02-19
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
⭐ New Features
- Group JDBC-related batch properties beneath spring.batch.jdbc #25316
- Auto-configure javax.jms.ExceptionListener #25278
- Align default values for Cassandra's throttling properties #25149
- Make Scheduler consistent for Spring Integration #25109
- Use SimpleDriverDataSource when creating a Liquibase-specific DataSource #24944
- Support Jetty 10.0.x #24886
- Allow the configprops endpoint to return properties with a particular prefix #24718
- Remove message attribute instead of blanking it when Include.MESSAGE is not set #24712
- Provide a property to disable the
discovery page #24693 - Add support for creating layered war files with Maven #22821
- Add support for creating layered war files with Gradle #22195
- Add buildpack option for image building #21722
🪲 Bug Fixes
- DataSourceBuilder no longer invokes setUser on org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource #25364
- Remote application from devtools does not work with security filter in WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter #25351
- No error message when using spring.profiles.include in a profile-specific config file if it's written as a YAML list #25348
- BeanCreationException thrown creating 'neo4jMappingContext' with Spring Boot 2.4.2 when combined with MongoDB #25347
- DataSourceBuilder no longer invokes setUser on org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource #25342
- DatabaseDriver does not detect Amazon Redshift correctly #25313
- Migrations performed by Flyway or Liquibase may not have completed before the database is accessed via jOOQ #25311
- Dependency management for Hibernate's new hibernate-micrometer module is missing #25306
- Asynchronous deserialization performed by Hazelcast may fail due to the wrong ClassLoader being used #25296
- Since 2.4.2, the Logback charset defaults to UTF-8 rather than the OS's default #25259
- Missing RabbitMQ metrics if bean is defined as a ConnectionFactory #25186
- Illegal reflective access by org.springframework.cglib.core.ReflectUtils #25184
- A ContextRefreshedEvent from a child context may result in deadlock when using JPA deferred repositories #25175
- Fix MariaDB driver product name #25173
- Gradle plugin does not include transitive project dependencies into application layer #25168
- initQueryTimeout and ildeTimeout defaults are not aligned with Cassandra defaults #25164
- TestRestTemplate exchange triggers UnsupportedOperationException in RequestEntity #25106
- WebMvcTest and WebFluxTest ignore user-provided Thymeleaf IDialect beans #25073
- Collection conversion doesn't work for configtree properties #25060
- ConfigData with Option.IGNORE_IMPORTS can cause NPE #25031
- spring.config.activate.on-profile cannot be used in profile specific file #25030
- ConfigDataLoaders cannot have a DeferredLogFactory injected preventing their subcomponents from logging accurately #24996
- spring-boot-dependencies still contains dependency management for spring-boot-starter-data-solr #24977
- DataSource initialization does not see the result of wrapping or proxying a DataSource via a BeanPostProcessor #23736
- Unexpected constructor-based initialization of
leads to inconsistent behavior #16038 - Circular reference in JPA, DataSource, initializers #13042
📔 Documentation
- Remove YAML shortcomings section as it no longer applies #25346
- Update the Gradle plugin documentation to recommend the maven-publish plugin over the maven plugin #25308
- Document Kafka Streams metrics support #25298
- Default values of integer properties in the application properties appendix are rendered as decimals #25177
- Clarify usage of BufferingApplicationStartup #25136
- Since 2.3.8 and 2.4.2, the documented index format does not match the implementation #25067
- Clarify when retaining . characters in property keys requires bracket notation to be used #25065
- Highlight that Duration and Period conversion is provided by the ApplicationConversionService and, by default, is not available for web conversion #25062
- Document logging.register-shutdown-hook and why you may want to enable it #25045
- bootRun project property command line example is incomplete #25043
- Document the need to use the launcher to be able to use application.* properties in a custom banner #25041
- Add some guidance to the reference documentation about diagnosing unexpected property values #25039
- Add reference to Ogham Spring Boot starters #24964
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade to Spring Data 2021.0.0-M4 #25004
- Upgrade to AppEngine SDK 1.9.86 #25228
- Upgrade to Artemis 2.17.0 #25324
- Upgrade to AssertJ 3.19.0 #25229
- Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.10.20 #25230
- Upgrade to Caffeine 2.9.0 #25325
- Upgrade to Couchbase Client 3.1.2 #25231
- Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.11.1 #25359
- Upgrade to Flyway 7.5.3 #25232
- Upgrade to FreeMarker 2.3.31 #25326
- Upgrade to Hibernate 5.4.28.Final #25233
- Upgrade to HikariCP 4.0.1 #25234
- Upgrade to HikariCP 4.0.2 #25327
- Upgrade to HtmlUnit 2.47.1 #25235
- Upgrade to Infinispan 12.0.1.Final #25328
- Upgrade to Janino 3.1.3 #25237
- Upgrade to Jedis 3.5.1 #25238
- Upgrade to Johnzon 1.2.10 #25239
- Upgrade to jOOQ 3.14.7 #25240
- Upgrade to JUnit 4.13.2 #25329
- Upgrade to JUnit Jupiter 5.7.1 #25241
- Upgrade to Kotlin 1.4.30 #25242
- Upgrade to Lettuce 6.1.0.M1 #25360
- Upgrade to Liquibase 4.3.1 #25330
- Upgrade to Lombok 1.18.18 #25244
- Upgrade to MariaDB 2.7.2 #25245
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.6.4 #25331
- Upgrade to MongoDB 4.2.0-beta1 #25361
- Upgrade to MSSQL JDBC 9.2.0.jre8 #25246
- Upgrade to Netty 4.1.59.Final #25247
- Upgrade to Nimbus JOSE JWT 9.5 #25249
- Upgrade to OAuth2 OIDC SDK 9.1 #25248
- Upgrade to Prometheus PushGateway 0.10.0 #25250
- Upgrade to Reactor 2020.0.4 #25301
- Upgrade to RxJava2 2.2.21 #25332
- Upgrade to Selenium HtmlUnit 2.47.1 #25251
- Upgrade to Solr 8.8.0 #25252
- Upgrade to Spring AMQP 2.3.5 #25362
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.3.4 #25293
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 5.5.0-M2 #25294
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.7.0-M2 #25295
- Upgrade to Spring Security 5.5.0-M2 #25255
- Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.43 #25253
- Upgrade to Undertow 2.2.4.Final #25254
:heart: Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!