Spring/spring-boot: Release v3.0.0-RC2
Name: spring-boot
Owner: Spring
Release: v3.0.0-RC2
Released: 2022-11-10
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
⭐ New Features
- Switch to the Eclipse Angus Jakarta Mail Reference Implementation #33059
- Remove dependency management for unused EL-related dependencies #33035
- Unify actuator descriptor class names #33022
- Rename spring-session.bom.version property to spring-session.version to align with changes to Spring Session's version scheme and bom #32952
- Add support for CNB platform API 0.10 #32949
- Rename httptrace endpoint and related classes to httpexchanges #32885
- Support isolated actuator ObjectMapper #20291
🐞 Bug Fixes
- When replacing any database,
does not work in a native test #33100 - Auto-configured OtelTracer does not back off when another kind of Tracer bean is defined #33097
- Auto-configured BraveTracer does not back off when another kind of Tracer bean is defined #33095
- Unnecessary javax Servlet and JSTL dependencies in spring-boot-dependencies #33094
- NullPointerException in LazyTracingSpanContextSupplier when TraceContext.sampled() returns null #33093
- Default security filter dispatcher types are not aligned with Spring Security's defaults #33090
- Inner classes of a
are ignored in a native image #33089 - Unlike Spring Cloud Sleuth tracing auto-configuration does not provide span customizer beans #33087
- Configuring spring.jackson.property-naming-strategy fails in a native image #33080
- Dependency management for Selenium is incomplete #33076
- management.endpoints.jmx.exposure.include meta-data json contains incorrect default value #33072
- Context refresh may deadlock when using Prometheus Exemplars #33070
- ConfigurationProperties constructor
detection fails for proxy classes #33061 - Logback
blocks cannot read spring properties #33028 - Spring Boot 3.0 no longer logs guidance to enable debug logging to see the condition evaluation report when the app fails to start #33027
- Dependency management for XMLUnit is incomplete #33000
- Spring Boot's Lettuce metrics enable histrograms by default and it's hard to switch them off #32990
- Spring Boot's auto-configuration for Lettuce metrics enables histograms by default #32986
- management.observations.http.server.requests.name is ignored when auto-configuring meter filters for maximum allowable uri tags #32973
- The version of Hazelcast Hibernate is managed unnecessarily #32953
not working in native-image #32929- Missing runtime hints for default Liquibase migration file #32926
- Build failures caused by using a version of GraalVM that does not meet our minimum requirements are hard to diagnose #32924
- Execution optimizations have been disabled for task
Gradle Plugin #32919 - Logging hostname at startup can take a prohibitively long time #32908
- Micrometer Tracer not available in integration tests #32907
- Auto configuration for data-elasticsearch does not configure mapper that can handle MapDocument payload #32906
- OTel W3C doesn't propagate remote fields #32898
- Missing resource hint for banner.txt #32882
- HttpGraphQlTesterContextCustomizer runs twice when using AOT #32872
- OutputCaptureExtension fails in native image tests: NoSuchMethodException: OutputCapture.
#32870 @RestClientTest
fails in native image tests: Failed to instantiate SimpleRequestExpectationManager #32867- EmbeddedDatabaseConnection was unintentionally initialized at build time when using
#32865 - Cyclic dependency between
and ObjectMapper causes JsonComponents to be ignored #32863 - Properties not available when using SpringBootTest.UseMainMethod.ALWAYS #32860
- Native testing of a WebFlux-based app using a random or defined port fails with "Runtime reflection is not supported for WebTestClientContextCustomizer$WebTestClientRegistrar" #32859
- JsonTesters do not work in native tests #32858
- Setting a RestTemplateBuilder read timeout results in an IllegalStateException due to deprecations in HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory #32857
- Package-private ResourceProviderCustomizer prevents external usage of FlywayAutoConfiguration class #32849
is not compatible with Native Image #32848- Native image built with Gradle fails to start when
is included as developmentOnly dependency #32843 - When building with Maven, only resources generated beneath META-INF/native-image are available for inclusion in a native image #32841
- Configuring com.github.loki4j.logback.Loki4jAppender in logback.xml does not work in a native image #32839
- NumberFormatException when configuring spring.redis.sentinel.nodes with an IPv6 address #32837
- Manifests of jars built with Gradle do not have a Build-Jdk-Spec entry #32829
- Application Context initialized twice during test when exception thrown during initialization #31793
- MeterBinder beans that directly or indirectly depend on MeterRegistry beans cause a cycle #30636
📔 Documentation
- Fix kafka streams auto start description typo in reference docs #33102
- OAuth 2 configuration example uses unrecognized value for authorization grant type #33069
- Reference documentation refers to artemis-jms-server but artemis-jakarta-server should now be used instead #33065
- Remove legacy cookie processor documentation #33021
- Change references to Spring Cloud Sleuth for SpanContextSupplier to Micrometer Tracing #32994
- Remove Infinispan's Spring Boot Starter in README #32974
- Document how to observe JDBC project with Spring Boot and micrometer-observations #32912
- Remove mention of MetricsWebFilter from reference documentation #32909
- Remove note about Infinispan's Spring Boot Starter as it is not yet 3.0-compatible #32896
- Delete WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter from Javadoc in SpringBootWebSecurityConfiguration / SecurityProperties #32879
- Add documentation for micrometer observation #32833
- Update docs to final GraalVM 22.3 #32813
- Add documentation for micrometer-tracing #30658
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade to Couchbase Client 3.4.0 #32955
- Upgrade to DB2 JDBC #32956
- Upgrade to Elasticsearch Client 8.5.0 #33005
- Upgrade to Flyway 9.5.1 #32957
- Upgrade to Glassfish JAXB 4.0.1 #33055
- Upgrade to Glassfish JSTL 3.0.0 #33036
- Upgrade to Hibernate 6.1.5.Final #32958
- Upgrade to Hibernate Validator 8.0.0.Final #33056
- Upgrade to HSQLDB 2.7.1 #32959
- Upgrade to Infinispan 14.0.2.Final #32960
- Upgrade to Jackson Bom 2.14.0-rc3 #32961
- Upgrade to Jakarta Activation 2.1.0 #33045
- Upgrade to Jakarta Annotation 2.1.1 #33046
- Upgrade to Jakarta JMS 3.1.0 #33047
- Upgrade to Jakarta Json 2.1.1 #33048
- Upgrade to Jakarta Json Bind 3.0.0 #33049
- Upgrade to Jakarta Mail 2.1.0 #33050
- Upgrade to Jakarta Persistence 3.1.0 #33051
- Upgrade to Jakarta Servlet 6.0.0 #33037
- Upgrade to Jakarta Servlet JSP JSTL 3.0.0 #33038
- Upgrade to Jakarta WebSocket 2.1.0 #33039
- Upgrade to Jakarta WS RS 3.1.0 #33040
- Upgrade to Jakarta XML Bind 4.0.0 #33052
- Upgrade to Jakarta XML SOAP 3.0.0 #33053
- Upgrade to Jakarta XML WS 4.0.0 #33054
- Upgrade to Jaybird 4.0.6.java11 #32954
- Upgrade to Jedis 4.3.1 #32962
- Upgrade to Jersey 3.1.0 #33041
- Upgrade to jOOQ 3.17.5 #33006
- Upgrade to Liquibase 4.17.2 #33007
- Upgrade to Maven Shade Plugin 3.4.1 #32964
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.10.0 #32936
- Upgrade to Micrometer Tracing 1.0.0 #32937
- Upgrade to Native Build Tools Plugin 0.9.17 #32923
- Upgrade to Neo4j Java Driver 5.2.0 #33008
- Upgrade to Reactor Bom 2022.0.0 #32939
- Upgrade to SAAJ Impl 3.0.0 #33057
- Upgrade to Selenium 4.5.3 #32965
- Upgrade to Selenium HtmlUnit 4.5.2 #32966
- Upgrade to Spring Batch 5.0.0-RC2 #32935
- Upgrade to Spring Data 2022.0.0-RC2 #32938
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 6.0.0-RC4 #33023
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 6.0.0-RC2 #33009
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 3.0.0-RC2 #32934
- Upgrade to Spring Security 6.0.0-RC2 #33063
- Upgrade to Spring Session 3.0.0-RC2 #33034
- Upgrade to Tomcat 10.1.1 #33043
- Upgrade to Undertow 2.3.0.Final #33042
- Upgrade to Yasson 3.0.0 #33058
:heart: Contributors
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
@EricGao888, @biergit, @dreis2211, @iamgd67, @izeye, @making, @marcingrzejszczak, @sdeleuze, and @ueberfuhr