Spring/spring-boot: Release v3.2.0-RC2
Name: spring-boot
Owner: Spring
Release: v3.2.0-RC2
Released: 2023-11-03
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
⭐ New Features
- Introduce PemSslStore as an alternative to PemSslStoreDetails #38175
- Introduce a public PemContent class #38174
- Allow alias and password to be configured on a per PEM store basis #38124
- Add observationEnabled properties for Apache Kafka #38057
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Class loading may fail when JVM is stopped using SIGINT #38154
- spring.webflux.multipart.max-disk-usage-per-part behaves incorrectly for values where the number of bytes overflows an int #38152
- Apply SslBundleProperties.Key property to PEM keystore and not to the truststore #38125
- VirtualZipDataBlock does not create zip data descriptor records which can break streaming reads #38063
- Nested jars are not opened with runtime version set, causing classes in META-INF/versions to be ignored #38050
- InputStreams cannot be created from nested directory entry URLs which results in Tomcat TldScanner issues #38047
- Mail health indicator fails when host is not set in properties #38044
- Testcontainers support for various containers does not work in a native-image #38014
- Filters added to the auto-configured MockMvc instance have no name, breaking OncePerRequestFilter #38001
- Application's main class is not found when using PropertiesLauncher with the new nested jar support #37992
- Docker Compose integration does not work with 2.23.0 due to 'Cannot invoke "org.springframework.boot.docker.compose.core.DockerCliInspectResponse.hostConfig()" because "inspectResponse" is null' #37991
is not working with@RestartScope
in 3.2.0-RC1 #37989
📔 Documentation
- Document that application.* banner variables require a packaged jar or the use of Boot's launcher #38149
- Explain how Docker Compose support works when services are already running #38145
- Improve systemd configuration documentation #38117
- Clarify that
binds WebTestClient to mock infrastructure #38114 - MyErrorWebExceptionHandler example in documentation isn't working #38111
- Document that properties that change an application's beans are fixed at build time #38108
- Add section on AspectJ support #38097
- Document that SerializationFeature.WRITE_DURATIONS_AS_TIMESTAMPS is disabled by default #38090
- Document that testing with ApplicationContextRunner in a native image is not supported #38082
- Spring Boot Actuator documentation misses management.endpoint.env.show-values property #38080
- Outdated spring-boot-maven-plugin build-info documentation causing project builds to fail #38078
- Document how to downgrade dependencies to use embedded Jetty 11 #38077
- Update "Use Another Web Server" how-to to reflect Servlet 5.0 baseline #38075
- Improve health group membership validation error message to provide hint for property to disable validation #38073
- Update "Running Behind a Front-end Proxy Server" to include reactive and ForwardedHeaderTransformer #38072
- Document that spring-boot-starter-parent sets maven.compiler.release and how to unset it if needed #38069
- Document how to customize the basePackages that auto-configurations consider (for example Spring Data Repositories) #38054
- Reference documentation MyContainersConfiguration sample is missing
#38048 - Clarifying documentation on including a top-level
class in a test #38041 - Document ConfigurationPropertyCaching #38038
- Document server.servlet.encoding.* properties and server.servlet.encoding.mapping in particular #38035
- Document configuration for building images with Colima #38032
- Add a section on customizing embedded reactive servers #38028
- Improve documentation of
file and its generation by the Maven and Gradle plugins #38025 - Document additional user configuration that's required after setting
#38022 - Clarify that MVC components provided through WebMvcRegistrations are subject to subsequent processing and configuration by MVC #38019
- Add Embedded MongoDB to community starters #38016
- Links to portfolio projects which use Antora are broken #38000
- Fix links in Spring Kafka section of ref guide #37987
- Fix links in Spring Pulsar section of ref guide #37986
- Add JVM Checkpoint Restore documentation #37975
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.18.3 #38126
- Upgrade to Artemis 2.31.2 #38127
- Upgrade to Glassfish JAXB 4.0.4 #38128
- Upgrade to Hazelcast 5.3.5 #38129
- Upgrade to Jakarta Json 2.1.3 #38130
- Upgrade to Jakarta XML SOAP 3.0.1 #38131
- Upgrade to Jakarta XML WS 4.0.1 #38132
- Upgrade to Jedis 5.0.2 #38133
- Upgrade to Jetty 12.0.3 #38135
- Upgrade to Jetty Reactive HTTPClient 4.0.1 #38134
- Upgrade to Kotlin 1.9.20 #38136
- Upgrade to Liquibase 4.24.0 #38120
- Upgrade to Log4j2 2.21.1 #38137
- Upgrade to Maven Clean Plugin 3.3.2 #38138
- Upgrade to Maven Dependency Plugin 3.6.1 #38139
- Upgrade to MSSQL JDBC 12.4.2.jre11 #38140
- Upgrade to Native Build Tools Plugin 0.9.28 #38141
- Upgrade to Oracle Database #38121
- Upgrade to Pulsar 3.1.1 #38142
- Upgrade to SAAJ Impl 3.0.3 #38143
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 6.1.0-RC2 #37995
- Upgrade to Spring WS 4.0.7 #38144
:heart: Contributors
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
@GVictorG7, @Wzy19930507, @ch4570, @dreis2211, @izeye, @onobc, and @sdeleuze