Spring/spring-boot: Release v3.2.1
Name: spring-boot
Owner: Spring
Release: v3.2.1
Released: 2023-12-21
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
⚠ Noteworthy
- This release upgrades to Hibernate 6.4.1.Final #38870 as official support has been dropped for the 6.3 generation
🐞 Bug Fixes
- HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration should be applied before DataSourceTransactionManagerAutoConfiguration #38880
- META-INF entries are duplicated under BOOT-INF/classes causing "Conflicting persistence unit definitions" error #38862
- logging.include-application-name has no effect when using log4j2 #38847
- Pulsar authentication param properties cause IllegalStateException with Pulsar Client 3.1.0 #38839
- Child context created with SpringApplicationBuilder runs parents runners #38837
- getSigners() info is lost for signed jars when using the new loader implementation with requiresUnpack #38833
- TestContainers parallel initialization doesn't work properly #38831
- Zip file closed exceptions can be thrown due to StaticResourceJars closing jars from cached connections #38770
- Multi-byte filenames in zip files can cause an endless loop in ZipString.hash #38751
- Gradle task "bootJar" fails with "Failed to get permissions" when using Gradle 8.6-milestone-1 #38741
- Custom binding converters are ignored when working with collection types #38734
- WebFlux and resource server auto-configuration may fail due to null authentication manager #38713
- It is unclear that Docker Compose services have not been started as one or more is already running #38661
- Spring Boot jar launcher does not work in folders containing certain chars #38660
- FileNotFoundException is thrown eagerly from unused SSL bundles #38659
- NoUniqueBeanDefinitionFailureAnalyzer does not account for the fact that missing '-parameters' may be the cause #38652
- Traces are propagated if tracing is disabled #38641
- Missing registry auto-configuration for JMS listener observation support #38613
- Class loading fails on an interrupted thread causing com.mongodb.event.ServerClosedEvent to fail to load when Mongo detects a cluster change #38611
- Failures due to code not being compiled with '-parameters' are hard to identify #38603
- System SSL certificates are not used by the Apache HTTP Client in a RestTemplate built with RestTemplateBuilder #38600
- ZipFileSystem throws "java.util.zip.ZipException: read CEN tables failed" with certain nested jars #38595
- Nested jar URLs cannot be split and reassembled resulting in errors with projects that use this technique (such as JobRunr) #38592
- NoSuchMethodError can be thrown from Session.getCookie() due to binary incompatibilty #38589
- management.metrics.tags has been deprecated without a replacement working for all metrics #38583
- NegativeArraySizeException can be thrown from org.springframework.boot.loader.zip.ZipContent$Loader #38572
- Migration form 3.1.5 to 3.2.0 : "Default" Tracer is not provided in test anymore #38568
- TomcatWebServer stop doesn't close sockets for additional connectors #38564
- Port is already in use when using
with a separate management port and a mock web environment #38554 - Keep-alive property causes processAot step to never finish #38531
- Setting 'spring.task.scheduling.shutdown.await-termination-period' does not result in a call to SimpleAsyncTaskScheduler#taskTerminationTimeout #38530
- Setting 'spring.task.execution.shutdown.await-termination-period' does not result in a call to SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor#taskTerminationTimeout #38528
- Nested URLs return null from classLoader.getResource("") causing ClassPathResource failures #38524
- Spring Boot 3.2 is not compatible with older versions of Liquibase #38522
- Controller level exceptions not getting populated in HTTP server requests metrics #33731
📔 Documentation
- Fix typo #38879
- Add the LangChain4J Spring Boot Starter to the list of community starters #38776
- Document prerequisites for Docker Compose support #38764
- Update Dynatrace documentation links #38725
- Correct references to Jetty's HTTP2 server module #38632
- Fix Observation Filter docs #38586
- Reinstate mention of testAndDevelopmentOnly when using Testcontainers at dev time #38571
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade to AspectJ 1.9.21 #38797
- Upgrade to Dropwizard Metrics 4.2.23 #38798
- Upgrade to Groovy 4.0.16 #38799
- Upgrade to Hibernate 6.4.1.Final #38870
- Upgrade to HttpClient5 5.2.3 #38800
- Upgrade to HttpCore5 5.2.4 #38801
- Upgrade to Janino 3.1.11 #38802
- Upgrade to Jaybird 5.0.3.java11 #38803
- Upgrade to Jersey 3.1.5 #38804
- Upgrade to Jetty 12.0.5 #38871
- Upgrade to Kafka 3.6.1 #38806
- Upgrade to Kotlin 1.9.21 #38807
- Upgrade to Kotlin Serialization 1.6.2 #38808
- Upgrade to Logback 1.4.14 #38809
- Upgrade to Maven Javadoc Plugin 3.6.3 #38810
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.12.1 #38693
- Upgrade to Micrometer Tracing 1.2.1 #38694
- Upgrade to Netty 4.1.104.Final #38872
- Upgrade to Pulsar Reactive 0.5.1 #38873
- Upgrade to R2DBC Postgresql 1.0.3.RELEASE #38812
- Upgrade to R2DBC Proxy 1.1.3.RELEASE #38813
- Upgrade to Reactor Bom 2023.0.1 #38695
- Upgrade to Spring AMQP 3.1.1 #38860
- Upgrade to Spring Authorization Server 1.2.1 #38696
- Upgrade to Spring Data Bom 2023.1.1 #38697
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 6.1.2 #38814
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 6.2.1 #38698
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 3.1.1 #38874
- Upgrade to Spring LDAP 3.2.1 #38699
- Upgrade to Spring Pulsar 1.0.1 #38875
- Upgrade to Spring Retry 2.0.5 #38836
- Upgrade to Spring Security 6.2.1 #38700
- Upgrade to Spring Session 3.2.1 #38866
- Upgrade to Spring WS 4.0.9 #38876
- Upgrade to Tomcat 10.1.17 #38815
- Upgrade to UnboundID LDAPSDK 6.0.11 #38816
:heart: Contributors
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
@SandraAhlgrimm, @aleksandrserbin, @cachescrubber, @dependabot[bot], @gavlyukovskiy, @ilies-bel, @meiyese, @onobc, @pirgeo, @quaff, @shin-mallang, and @tomfrenken