Spring/spring-boot: Release v3.2.8
Name: spring-boot
Owner: Spring
Release: v3.2.8
Released: 2024-07-18
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
🐞 Bug Fixes
- NPE during auto-configuration in OnClassCondition.resolveOutcomesThreaded because firstHalf is null #41492
- No configuration property for defaultTimeout setting that was introduced in Spring Integration 6.2 #41477
- NoSuchMethodException on org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory.
when using spring-boot-starter-activemq in a native image #41212 - build-image failures after docker desktop update with 'Illegal char <:> at index 5: npipe:////' #41199
- DirtiesContext used with Webflux, a random port and multiple contexts causes multiple contexts to misbehave #38199
- When using Jetty, filters, listeners, and servlets are not initialized with the same thread context classloader #37649
- Error message can be misleading if spring.config.import fails to resolve #36243
- TestcontainersLifecycleBeanPostProcessor does not work correctly with scoped beans #35786
- PropertiesMigrationListener wrongly reports property as deprecated #35774
📔 Documentation
- Fix documentation links in the README #41547
- Document the types to which each spring.mvc.format and spring.webflux.format property applies #41482
- Fix typos in javadoc of BootstrapContext #41443
- Document that logging.file.name and logging.file.path cannot be used together #41351
- Document tracing support for RestClient #41182
- Update Kotlin DSL examples that configure the environment of bootBuildImage to be additive #41173
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade to AspectJ #41470
- Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.14.18 #41361
- Upgrade to Dependency Management Plugin 1.1.6 #41362
- Upgrade to GraphQL Java 21.5 #41340
- Upgrade to Groovy 4.0.22 #41363
- Upgrade to HttpCore5 5.2.5 #41364
- Upgrade to Jetty 12.0.11 #41365
- Upgrade to JsonAssert 1.5.3 #41366
- Upgrade to JUnit Jupiter 5.10.3 #41367
- Upgrade to Lombok 1.18.34 #41368
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.12.8 #41292
- Upgrade to Micrometer Tracing 1.2.8 #41293
- Upgrade to Neo4j Java Driver 5.22.0 #41370
- Upgrade to Reactor Bom 2023.0.8 #41436
- Upgrade to Spring Data Bom 2023.1.8 #41294
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 6.1.11 #41295
- Upgrade to Spring GraphQL 1.2.8 #41523
- Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 2.2.3 #41493
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 6.2.7 #41296
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 3.1.7 #41297
- Upgrade to Spring Pulsar 1.0.8 #41532
- Upgrade to Spring Retry 2.0.7 #41484
- Upgrade to SQLite JDBC #41495
- Upgrade to Tomcat 10.1.26 #41496
:heart: Contributors
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
@jxblum, @mateusscheper, and @sdeleuze