Spring/spring-boot: Release v3.3.4
Name: spring-boot
Owner: Spring
Release: v3.3.4
Released: 2024-09-19
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
🐞 Bug Fixes
- management.health.db.ignore-routing-datasources=true has no effect when an AbstractRoutingDataSource has been wrapped #42322
- Missing details in OAuth2ClientProperties validation error message #42279
- FileNotFoundException from unused mis-configured SSL bundles #42169
- ZipkinHttpClientSender fails with "Failed to introspect Class" when spring-web is not on the classpath #42161
can cause 'Recursive update' exceptions when used with container beans #42107- JarLauncher fails to load large jar files #42079
- PropertiesMigrationListener wrongly reports property as deprecated when has group #42071
- Using an empty string MongoDB 'replica-set-name' property will result in ClusterType=REPLICA_SET #42059
- Default Logback config uses deprecated "converterClass" attribute #42006
📔 Documentation
- Document that spring.jmx.enabled is not intended for third-party libraries #42285
- Update link to Log4j2 system properties #42263
- Links to GraphQL in the reference guide redirect to the root instead of specific sections #42208
- Syntax error in "Receive a message reactively section" of the reference guide #42200
- Deprecation reason for the autotime enabled, percentiles, and percentiles-historgram properties is confusing #42193
- Replace RFC 7807 by RFC 9457 in property documentation #42190
- Document that configuration property binding to a Kotlin value class with a default is not supported #42176
- Update documentation to reflect new no handler found exception behavior #42167
- Polish configuration property reference #42165
- Remove link to “Converting a Spring Boot JAR Application to a WAR” as the guide is no longer available #42111
- Fix StatsD link typo on Metrics documentation page #42109
- Improve docker without buildpacks documentation #42106
- Improve documentation in "Command-line Completion" #42103
- Kotlin code examples are missing from the Testing section #42094
- Fix incorrect command in Docker configuration for Colima #42078
- Gradle Plugin AOT documentation has sample error #42046
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade to Groovy 4.0.23 #42292
- Upgrade to Hibernate 6.5.3.Final #42365
- Upgrade to Infinispan 15.0.8.Final #42253
- Upgrade to Jakarta Servlet JSP JSTL 3.0.2 #42254
- Upgrade to Jetty 12.0.13 #42256
- Upgrade to Jetty Reactive HTTPClient 4.0.7 #42255
- Upgrade to Logback 1.5.8 #42257
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.13.4 #42129
- Upgrade to Micrometer Tracing 1.3.4 #42130
- Upgrade to MSSQL JDBC 12.6.4.jre11 #42258
- Upgrade to Native Build Tools Plugin 0.10.3 #42205
- Upgrade to Netty 4.1.113.Final #42259
- Upgrade to Postgresql 42.7.4 #42260
- Upgrade to R2DBC MariaDB 1.2.2 #42326
- Upgrade to Reactor Bom 2023.0.10 #42131
- Upgrade to SendGrid 4.10.3 #42366
- Upgrade to Spring Data Bom 2024.0.4 #42132
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 6.1.13 #42133
- Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 2.3.3 #42282
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 6.3.4 #42134
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 3.2.4 #42135
- Upgrade to Spring Pulsar 1.1.4 #42136
- Upgrade to Spring Retry 2.0.9 #42327
- Upgrade to Tomcat 10.1.30 #42346
- Upgrade to Undertow 2.3.17.Final #42303
- Upgrade to Zipkin Reporter 3.4.2 #42364
:heart: Contributors
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
@Alchemik, @arefbehboudi, @einarpehrson, @izeye, @martinfrancois, @mushroom528, @nosan, and @quaff