Timescale/timescaledb: Release 2.7.2
Name: timescaledb
Owner: Timescale
Release: 2.7.2 (2022-07-25)
Released: 2022-07-25
Release Assets:
This release is a patch release. We recommend that you upgrade at the next available opportunity. Among other things this release fixes several memory leaks, handling of TOASTed values in GapFill and parameter handling in prepared statements.
- #4517 Fix prepared statement param handling in ChunkAppend
- #4522 Fix ANALYZE on dist hypertable for a set of nodes
- #4526 Fix gapfill group comparison for TOASTed values
- #4527 Handle stats properly for range types
- #4532 Fix memory leak in function telemetry
- #4534 Use explicit memory context with hash_create
- #4538 Fix chunk creation on hypertables with non-default statistics
- @3a6u9ka, @bgemmill, @hongquan, @stl-leonid-kalmaev and @victor-sudakov for reporting a memory leak
- @hleung2021 and @laocaixw for reporting an issue with parameter handling in prepared statements