UTM/UTM: Release v0.3
- Add zh-Hans language (thanks @Evsio0n )
- Fixed an issue where on some jailbroken device with conflicting libraries installed, UTM refuses to launch even with a correct signature
- Fixed an issue with toolbar icons overlapping and made size of toolbar icons more consistent (thanks @fredyshox )
- Fixed dark mode keyboard if transition happens while keyboard was open
- Redesigned the extra keys above the keyboard: larger keys on iPads, keys are visible above home screen bar, added a few extra keys
- Fixed an issue where smart keys get triggered in some circumstances
- Fixed an issue where predictive keyboard text does not get entered
- Implemented hardware keyboard without needing to be activated with the keyboard button. Also allows hardware keyboard to work without the extra key strip active.
- Implemented paste function in the keyboard
- Fixed an issue where import disk image does not work on directories outside the UTM documents. (thanks @humboldtjs )
- Implemented click-and-drag: long-press on the screen (0.5s) until you feel a click, then you can move the cursor to drag items.
- Show an alert when low on memory
- Show an alert when trying to launch a new VM
- Added a new exit button on the home screen and a welcome message explaining the need for it (#32 )
https://getutm.app/install for installation instructions.