UTM/UTM: Release v2.0.20

Name: UTM

Owner: UTM

Release: v2.0.20

Released: 2021-02-01

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:


Visit https://getutm.app/install/ for the most up to date installation instructions.


  • Fixed CPU and core settings not used (#2293)
  • Fixed a bug where VM sometimes boots up in a black screen and requires resizing to see the graphics
  • Fixed a crash when starting VM in console mode with sharing enabled (#2291)
  • Moved default share from /tmp/Public to Documents/Public. This is the Documents folder in UTM's sandbox, not the user's documents directory.
  • Disabled sharing options and show warning message when console mode is enabled
  • No more white background behind the console (#1201)
  • (macOS) Enhanced UI for setting CPU flags
  • (macOS) Detect when SPICE agent is installed and allow resolution change by resizing the VM window
  • (macOS) New settings option to right click with Control+click (#2287)

Notice for iOS 14.4

iOS 14.4 broke JIT again (for non-jailbroken A12+ devices), and likely for good this time. We do not recommend updating to iOS 14.4. Future support for iOS will be limited to jailbroken devices only.

macOS Sandbox Migration

If you are updating from < 2.0.17 on macOS, then when you open UTM you will not see any VMs you previously created! To fix this, move your .utm files from ~/Documents to ~/Library/Containers/com.utmapp.UTM/Data/Documents. You can do it in Terminal with the following command:

mv ~/Documents/*.utm ~/Library/Containers/com.utmapp.UTM/Data/Documents

or with Finder

  1. Open Finder and go to your home directory.
  2. Press Cmd+Shift+. (that's the period key) to show hidden files.
  3. Browse to Library -> Containers -> UTM -> Data -> Documents
  4. Copy or move your .utm files from your home's Documents directory to this directory.

Known Issues

  • Black screen or crash trying to start any VM? Make sure you read all the instructions in the install page.
  • Cannot import any drives/ISO: there is a bug in iOS where an invalid "application-identifier" entitlement causes the file picker to not work. A fix for iOS App Signer is submitted and can be manually compiled. If you are using AltStore, you need use a free (not paid) developer account.
  • When installed via Cydia/Sileo, Settings and Files integration does not work and VMs are not deleted automatically when uninstalled.

Please check the full list on Github and help report any bug you find that is not listed.

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