UTM/UTM: Release v4.4.1

Name: UTM

Owner: UTM

Release: v4.4.1 (Beta)

Released: 2023-09-05

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:


  • macOS Sonoma support New Apple Virtualization features include save/restore VM state and dynamic resolution for macOS Sonoma guests. Note that currently, you must remove the Sound and Entropy device in order to use save/restore VM state.
  • visionOS support UTM is now working on visionOS but until we get our hands on a real device, it is TBD on how to actually run it. If you are a lucky owner of a development unit, you can try it out yourself with the provided IPAs.
  • Automatically save state when you close a VM This will only work on VMs that support save states. If your VM does not support it, you will get an error message with an explanation.
  • (macOS) USB commands in utmctl You can now use utmctl usb commands to connect and disconnect USB devices from a running VM.


  • (macOS) If you are running a virtualized VM on an Intel Mac with TPM enabled and the guest freezes on startup, you will need to temporarily disable Hypervisor (Settings -> QEMU -> Use Hypervisor), boot into Windows, and then re-enable Hypervisor after shutting down. The TPM device changed in v4.4.1 and this causes an issue on existing VMs.
  • (macOS) When entering full-screen, auto-capture of system keys in AVF (introduced in v4.3.2) and of mouse in QEMU (introduced in v4.4.0) is no longer default. You can enable the option in preferences (Cmd+,) under the Input tab.

Changes (v4.4.1)

  • Hide keystroke data from debug logs (#5651)
  • Scripting: add new usb devices element
  • utmctl: add new usb command
  • Fixed an issue where bookmarks to removable drives and shares were not being saved (#5615)
  • Fixed an issue where some VMs failed to boot due to suspend support probing (#5624)
  • Fixed TPM support for x86_64/i386 VMs (#5619)
  • Fixed an issue where starting a VM fails when a removable floppy disk is used
  • Fixed an issue where the PTTY address is not shown
  • Fixed an issue where new lines could be inserted into the VM name through copy and paste (#5627)
  • Localization: Updated Japanese (thanks @MMP0)
  • (iOS) Wizard: do not disable the emulation button even if JIT is not enabled
  • (visionOS) Fixed build issues due to API changes in the latest Xcode
  • (visionOS) Fixed display of release notes
  • (macOS) Allow clearing of installer IPSW from settings (#5611)
  • (macOS) Moved auto-capture of mouse/keyboard in full screen as a preference and do not enable it by default (#5633)
  • (macOS) AVF: File sizes displayed are now the size occupied on disk to be more consistent with QEMU VMs (#5637)
  • (macOS) AVF: Fixed macOS installer not working when a shared directory is selected (#5634)
  • (macOS) AVF: Fixed an issue where shared directory cannot be selected from the home screen (#5617)
  • (macOS) AVF: Fixed an issue where the cursor could disappear after a VM is stopped (#5607)
  • (macOS 14) Wizard: Excess separators shown by SwiftUI changes are now hidden
  • (macOS 12+) Settings sheet should have the bottom toolbar stop before the sidebar in compliance with HIG standards

Changes (v4.4.0)

  • Fixed an issue where shared directories and removable drives did not persist when UTM is closed (#5531)
  • Replaced ANGLE with WebKit ANGLE
  • Fixed an issue in gstreamer which can crash if an error happens before start
  • Fixed a race condition that broke BIOS loading (#5523)
  • Fixed the automatic screenshot timer (#5541)
  • Fixed UI lockup during a long copy operation when moving/exporting VM
  • Localization: Updated Polish (thanks @ku1ik)
  • Localization: Updated French (thanks @alex-kinokon)
  • Localization: Updated Traditional Chinese (thanks @pan93412)
  • Localization: Updated Simplified Chinese (thanks @changanmoon)
  • (iOS) Fixed an issue where quickly double tapping on the play button results in various issues
  • (iOS) Fixed "Retina" mode resizing so the native display dimensions are passed to the guest
  • (macOS) utmctl: Fixed an issue where the CLI did not work properly if UTM.app was not located in /Applications (#5526)
  • (macOS) Fixed window resize not automatically updating the guest dynamic resolution if Accessibility APIs are used (#5577)
  • (macOS) Automatically capture the mouse (after displaying a confirmation message) when entering full screen (#5514)
  • (macOS) Automatically save state when closing a VM (#5591)
  • (macOS) AVF: shared directory is now automatically mounted on macOS 13+ (#5571)
  • (macOS 14) Fixed IPSW selection
  • (macOS 14) AVF: implemented save/restore VM state
  • (macOS 14) AVF: enable Rosetta caching if supported by the host
  • (macOS 14) AVF: automatically re-size macOS 14 guests


Please check the full list on Github and help report any bug you find that is not listed.


File Description Installation JIT Hypervisor USB
UTM.deb Jailbroken iOS version Open in Cydia, dpkg, or Sileo Yes Yes(1) Yes
UTM.dmg macOS version Mounting and copying UTM.app to /Applications Yes Yes Yes
UTM.ipa Non-jailbroken iOS version (sideloading) AltStore, etc (see guide) Yes(2) No No
UTM-HV.ipa Non-jailbroken iOS version (TrollStore) TrollStore Yes Yes(1) Yes
UTM-SE.ipa Non-jailbroken iOS version (sideloading) AltStore, enterprise signing, etc No No No
UTM-visionOS.ipa visionOS version (sideloading) Custom resigning ? No No
UTM-SE-visionOS.ipa visionOS version (sideloading) Custom resigning No No No
  1. Hypervisor on iOS requires an M1 iPad.
  2. Enabling JIT may require a separate JIT enabler such as Jitterbug or Jitstreamer.

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