Windmill Labs, Inc/windmill: Release v1.290.0
Name: windmill
Owner: Windmill Labs, Inc
Release: v1.290.0
Released: 2024-03-13
Release Assets:
1.290.0 (2024-03-13)
- configurable languages and orders (a2807e6)
- frontend: DB Studio improvements (#3389) (212c9d7)
- git sync users groups (#3391) (104aa75)
- instance usernames (#3382) (4f65b23)
Bug Fixes
- add include_query to all endpoints (797c551)
- add more metadata for insert completed_job log (ad2f213)
- frontend: add script history in the script menu on the homepage … (#3388) (16b1c33)
- frontend: Disabled delete node + correctly update debug menu when nodes are deleted (#3387) (cc8e73c)
- improve bun type assistant (#3402) (90b8cb3)
- initial path when changing path of draft only scripts and flows (#3400) (f82af22)
- make oauth settings more resilient to being ill-defined (7d5b507)
- only set admin instance username when setting enabled (#3396) (f974d45)
- prevent auto add duplicate user (#3395) (9a1d10f)
- remove admin instance username if setting disabled (#3398) (cda5e05)
- reset to default tag (41a27d1)