Windmill Labs, Inc/windmill: Release v1.291.0
Name: windmill
Owner: Windmill Labs, Inc
Release: v1.291.0
Released: 2024-03-14
Release Assets:
1.291.0 (2024-03-14)
- add bit support in pg (#3407) (3730566)
- better locking (#3412) (97d4f1c)
- enable automatic billing by default (#3403) (92db3d9)
- frontend: use the DisplayResult component in the Expanded resul… (#3410) (5f28e93)
Bug Fixes
- frontend: Fix color picker layout (#3411) (c6587b9)
- frontend: Flow step input description (#3409) (f01aefd)
- improve error handler settings (ac1eeb1)
- remove dependency on semver intersect for bun (1cf6d8b)
- show current pid before acquiring lock (55ea67d)
- tabs can now be moved within apps (ef7d733)
- use try_lock instead of lock to wait for global pg lock (b382bf3)