Windmill Labs, Inc/windmill: Release v1.304.0
Name: windmill
Owner: Windmill Labs, Inc
Release: v1.304.0
Released: 2024-04-06
Release Assets:
1.304.0 (2024-04-06)
- add overridable cache_ttl in api of job triggers (21a7ee4)
- git sync group changes by folder (#3517) (08231c0)
Bug Fixes
- add args filter to schedule list (f9d8dde)
- fix lightweight arg input min size (78b8c3e)
- frontend: Fix simple flow tutorial (#3518) (139bc38)
- improve list static input (d61d6f5)
- make autodatatable more resilient (fba1ea7)
- make autodatatable more resilient (632c9fb)
- make date time input more resilient (2ec1add)
- parallel flow with parallelism constraint could deadlock (9131d5c)
- remove information in approval page of a flow (3175456)
- show flow user states in flow state preview (7c4eece)