Windmill Labs, Inc/windmill: Release v1.304.4
Name: windmill
Owner: Windmill Labs, Inc
Release: v1.304.4
Released: 2024-04-09
Release Assets:
1.304.4 (2024-04-09)
Bug Fixes
- allow for longer approver names in flows (f117539)
- frontend: Fix bypass confirmation shortcut (#3527) (db5abd3)
- frontend: Improve theme editor (#3525) (975055b)
- improve deadlocks for parallel branches with parallelism constraints (0c824de)
- improve deadlocks for parallel branches with parallelism constraints (8dd1175)
- improve handling of very large iterator on frontend (7e4b6c3)
- improve order dragndrop for json editor in app (1ab1fb7)
- improve performance of for-loops with parralelism (a4442d4)
- improve performance of for-loops with parralelism (29422f1)