Windmill Labs, Inc/windmill: Release v1.305.1
Name: windmill
Owner: Windmill Labs, Inc
Release: v1.305.1
Released: 2024-04-11
Release Assets:
1.305.1 (2024-04-11)
Bug Fixes
- fix plug connection for apps with array items (c88e6a8)
- frontend: add missing darkModeObserver in CronInput (#3531) (8525494)
- frontend: fix text alignement (#3533) (0c9a95c)
- improve goto behavior (6c33f17)
- load lazily the app icons (cd5b023)
- remove requirement on full wasm parser for row insert of db studio (cd07020)
- remove requirement on full wasm parser for row insert of db studio (f17bed9)
- update monaco configurations (62e4ec2)