Windmill Labs, Inc/windmill: Release v1.395.0
Name: windmill
Owner: Windmill Labs, Inc
Release: v1.395.0
Released: 2024-09-17
Release Assets:
1.395.0 (2024-09-17)
Bug Fixes
- cannot create duplicate apps and raw_apps (d57b139)
- cli: update CLI schema parsers to latest (6ba77d5)
- deno: replace lock-write with frozen=false (277d085)
- frontend: add support for step id change for forloops and branch… (#4395) (97839a3)
- frontend: new resource type name must be snake case (#4396) (9297ffc)
- improve vscode extension handling of relative paths (8ae6c32)
- update bun to 1.1.27 (39374d7)