Xata/pgroll: Release v0.3.0

  • 🍺 pgroll can now be installed using brew. See the install section in README.md.
  • 🔴 We've made a breaking change to the format of "alter_column" migrations that set NOT NULL constraints: the not_null field has been renamed to nullable. A migration that used to look like this:
  "name": "16_set_nullable",
  "operations": [
      "alter_column": {
        "table": "reviews",
        "column": "review",
        "not_null": true,
        "up": "(SELECT CASE WHEN review IS NULL THEN product || ' is good' ELSE review END)",
        "down": "review"

should now be written as:

  "name": "16_set_nullable",
  "operations": [
      "alter_column": {
        "table": "reviews",
        "column": "review",
        "nullable": false,  <-- field name has changed and logic inverted
        "up": "(SELECT CASE WHEN review IS NULL THEN product || ' is good' ELSE review END)",
        "down": "review"

❤️ Thanks to first-time contributors @sFritsch09 and @pucke-uninow for their work on this release.


  • f15931e Add.env to .gitignore (#178)
  • 0792d6b Bump golang.org/x/net from 0.10.0 to 0.17.0 (#185)
  • 0fb46f2 Change signature of migrations.ReadMigrationFile (#177)
  • e87c639 Feat/#175 homebrew release (#180)
  • 57ea814 Mark releases as draft (#186)
  • 8e49d69 Remove unnecessary env section from release job (#188)
  • a3a40f7 Update goreleaser release job (#187)
  • 80adbae fix(#132): consistent naming for nullable columns in migration files (#181)

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